11:11 Make A Wish!

11:11 Make A Wish!

Ever since I was a little girl, my friends and I would yell out “11:11 Make A Wish!” when the clock would strike 11:11.


We would close our eyes and think about what we wanted to wish for. You couldn’t tell anyone your wish, or it wouldn’t come true. It’s something that has stuck with me until this day. I see 11:11 and I get a flutter of excitement in my belly, I close my eyes and think of whatever it is I am working on manifesting in my life. It reminds me that there is something much bigger than me, guiding me and helping me along this journey. And it is such a helpful reminder to continuously feel connected to the Magical energy of the Universe every day. 

I think we have all made wishes. We wish upon a star, we wish when we blow the candles out on our birthday cake, we wish when we throw a coin into a fountain, blow on a dandelion fluff, and we wish when the clock strikes 11:11.

We believe that when we make a wish, we are literally changing our vibrational frequency to the same frequency as what it is you are wishing for. You are drawing it in closer to your reality every time you wish it. We firmly believe in the law of Attraction.

This is why we created our 11:11 Make A Wish Bracelets so that we are always reminded of what we are trying to manifest in our lives. The more you think about... The more you bring about! 

Many people ask us, why 11:11? In numerology, the number 1111 can be considered as a sign or synchronicity. It’s a sign you’re on the right path, to keep moving forward and not to give up! It can also represent a spiritual awakening and it’s also a reminder that your guides and Angels are working with you to help you manifest your dreams and desires.

It can also mean something very specific to you and your own 11:11 experiences. One story that had an impact on us was from one of our customers that we met at one of the first craft markets that we attended a few years ago. His father had passed away on November 11th. Now when his family sees 11:11, it is a sign for them that their dad is at peace and looking out for them. It was so special and we definitely all had tears! He purchased the Wish From Above Bracelets for his mom and sisters as a token to help them grieve and to remind them of their father and that he is always around them.

11:11 can have many different meanings for many different people. The trick is to listen to your intuition and decide for yourself. Trust your gut! 

There is great power in a Wish as it is connected to a deep yearning from our hearts. And If we don’t take actions on our wishes they can be forgotten...

This is the intention of our wish bracelets. To always remember our desires, intentions and wishes and to always keep its energy close to us as we wear them. We believe this keeps our wishes alive.

We have so many wish bracelets for you to choose from and we also have some for almost any occasion. Visit our website to learn more and view all of our magical gifts for the believers. Your most precious wishes are waiting to be manifested… What are you wishing for? Click here to find your wish. 

Sending Light & Love, 
Eleven Love



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