How To Tell If Your Chakras Are Blocked & How To Unblock Them
How To Tell If Your Chakras Are Blocked & How To Unblock Them
There are 7 major energy centres in our body. Each one of them has its own meaning, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
To keep our energy vibe high and open we simply need to listen to what our body is trying to tell us. And these energy centres can be used as a map, guiding you to what you need to heal in your life, what it means when they are open, and how to tell when they are blocked and what you can do to open up those energy centres. Let’s start from the ground up!
Colour red, base of the spine, grounding, survival, security, stability, foundation, earth.
When in balance - Feeling grounded, organized, motivated. feeling secure in-home, finances and family. Mind & body connected. Sense of belonging.
When blocked - Clumsiness. not feeling grounded. Feeling unsafe. Having fear about family, security, and finances. Not present.
How to open your Root Chakra - Connect with nature, getting outdoors. decluttering home. Family outdoor activities. Budgeting and taking care of finances. Sit still and find gratitude in the present moment.
Crystals - Obsidian, Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Hematite.
Colour orange, below the navel, reproductive organs, creativity, passion, pleasure, sensuality, desires.
When in balance - Feeling creative, ability to express desires and feelings. Ability to let go of bad habits and relationships. Doing things for pleasure without guilt. Nurturing and loving attitude.
When blocked - Addictions, jealousy, and guilt. Reproductive problems. Overindulging in foods, drugs and alcohol. Negative feelings towards sexuality. No creative outlet. Repressed emotions.
How to open your Sacral Chakra - Self-love… do something that brings you pleasure. Creative movements such as yoga, dance, or swimming. Create art. Release guilt about self-pleasure.
Crystals - Carnelian, Sunstone, Orange Calcite, Unakite.
Colour yellow, above the navel, stomach area.
When in balance - Confident and strong-willed. Strong trust and faith. Proud of who you are. Reliability. Strong self-esteem. Motivated. Courageous. A balance of material and spiritual worlds.
When blocked - Lack of confidence, suppressed emotions, anger. Oversensitive, fear of rejection, loss of direction, lack of drive. Anxiety and worry.
How to open your Solar Plexus chakra - Study something, read a book. Allow emotions to release, let go. Write down goals and steps to achieve them. Join sports or exercise to gain confidence. Practice the carebear stare.
Crystals - Citrine, and Tiger’s Eye.
Colour green, heart and lungs. Love, compassion, forgiveness, giving and receiving, emotional balance, relationships and self-love.
When in balance - Feeling balanced and peaceful, generous and giving but able to receive with gratitude. Happy and healthy relationships. Ability to love others and great self-love. Positive boundaries in place. Sympathy and empathy for self and others. The ability to forgive oneself and others.
When blocked - Resentment and bitterness. Inability to accept love. Unresolved grief and heartache. Depression. Lack of self-love. Codependency and possessiveness. Jealousy. Broken boundaries.
How to open your Heart Chakra - Breathing exercises and meditation. Express love and allowing yourself to be loved unconditionally. Get a massage. Giving to others and showing gratitude when receiving from others. Write down things you love about yourself. Be positive. Forgiveness. Letting go of hurt and anger.
Crystals - Aventurine, Rose Quartz, and Amazonite.
Colour blue, neck and throat area. Communication, self-expression, creativity, speaking one’s truth.
When in balance - Clear and confident speech and voice. Ability to express yourself, crying, laughing and joy. Listening to your inner voice. Expresses creativity. Speaking your truth. Being honest about how you feel. Standing up for yourself.
When blocked - Fear of speaking. Inability to express your truth, gossiping. Feeling unable to communicate. Fears about being judged. Not expressing yourself creatively.
How to open your Throat Chakra - Speak up for what you believe in. Be honest about who you are. Communication and expression in any form such as singing, painting, chanting, and writing.
Crystals - Blue Lace Agate, Lapis, Sodalite.
Colour indigo, the forehead between the eyebrows. Insight, spiritual awareness, seeing, vision, intuition, clairvoyance.
When in balance - Clear intuition, ability to focus. Peaceful sleep, wisdom, connection to the universe. Allows visions. Clear perception free from judgement or prejudice. Good imagination. Recognition of spiritual aspects to life.
When blocked - Rejection of intuition. Unimaginative. Nightmares, sleep disorders. Confusion. Headaches. Unable to think for yourself. Being ego-focused, judgemental. Feeling like your head is up in the clouds.
How to open your Third Eye Chakra - Daydream, being imaginative. Meditation. Keep a dream journal. Reading and expanding knowledge and intellect. Learning to trust your intuition. Using divinity tools such as oracle cards to help increase intuition.
Crystals - Lolite, Amethyst, Azurite and Fluorite.
Violet, white, or gold. Top of the head. Spirituality, connection to the divine, enlightenment, fulfilment, cosmic consciousness. Connection to the higher self.
When in balance - Gratitude, feeling blissful. Living in the present moment. Ability to tap into the universal consciousness. Ability to find the answers within yourself. Strong spiritual connection. A sense of meaning to life. Awareness of your higher self.
When blocked - Nervous and mental disorders. Fear of death. Feeling lost in life, living in the past or future. Depression, anxiety and fear. Closed-mindedness, and overly skeptical.
How to open your Crown Chakra - Practicing gratitude in daily life. Prayer and meditation. Lucid dreaming. Do anything that brings you peace and joy. Rest and self-reflection. Take time to notice the divine in daily life.
Crystals - Selenite, Clear Quartz, Moonstone and Aura Quartz.
Feel free to use this as your quick guide to check back in when you’re feeling out of alignment and you’re not sure why. Getting familiar with the chakras can be life-altering and life-enhancing. Balancing and keeping the chakras open is a daily task and check-in. When we are in alignment is when the gates of manifestation open, and the abundance can flow quickly to you, because you deserve it! Also, remember that no one is perfectly balanced all the time... it is necessary in life to experience the duality of these energies so we can fully enjoy and appreciate what it does feel like to be open and in balance. One emotion or energy frequency can not exist without its opposite.
Check out our jewelry collection, we use crystals to amplify the energy of each of the chakras. We even have a chakra wish bracelet to help remind you to stay balanced and connected to your energy centres at all times. Stay balanced loves.
Sending Light & Love,
Eleven Love